One of these groups were the Combaticons, a group of military vehicle based Transformers led by a Decepticon known as Onslaught. Generally, each of these combining teams were associated with a theme. The idea was having several characters merging with each other to form one larger Transformer. In the Generation One series, the concept of combiners became quite popular than it is today.

In robot mode, the protective arm shield helps to keep enemies at bay. The roar of the vehicle?s engine lets you know that this fierce fighter is ready to roll out into battle. Hear cool conversion sounds as you twist and turn this awesome DECEPTICON warrior from battle-ready robot figure to assault vehicle mode. Every variable in a fight is taken into account in his mind, every possibility assessed, and every contingency planned for. When he must get involved in a fight himself, he does so with cold fury, advancing meticulously across the battlefield with his fire focused on the most dangerous opponent. Nothing gives him joy as much as a well-executed ambush, or the swift, organized destruction of an AUTOBOT base. He prefers to remain on the sidelines of a fight, directing the action and revising his tactics second by second. If ONSLAUGHT enters into direct combat, it's only because something has gone wrong with his battle plan. Retailer: General (Toys R Us, Target, Wal-Mart etc.) Price Point: $24.99 (varies depending on retailer) "Transformers Universe 2.0" Decepticon Drag Strip Toy Review.